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    Rambler's Top100

ротвейлер Rottriver's Gaston


Franck Haymann, source: ANIWA
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   One of our Swedish web surfers, Anna Greta-Nordstedt, has just told us of the death of her fabulous champion, Rottriver's Gaston. Besides being a very good friend, this Rottweiler breed in Scandinavia was also the one, which had won the largest number of titles.

   "I'm very sad as I write to you. My treasure, my gentleman, my friend has just passed away." These few words perfectly show the special relationship that existed between the owner and her dog.

   This fan was however no newcomer in the world of dog fancy. She's known the breed ever since 1983. Her first Rottweiller, called Tapper, took part in many sportive competitions, such as obedience and Schutzhund. She registered her affix "Tapto's" in 1987, but did not start breeding before 1990.

   Her passion for her work led her to occupy different functions, such as instructor for the dog brigade of the Swedish Air Force. She then became a specialist of the mental Test - the Swedish behavioral test - which allows to remove "dubious" individuals from the selection. In the Scandinavian countries, utility and company dogs are often then same. And Gaston was a model of the kind.

Borderless achievements

ротвейлер Rottriver's Gaston

   A Scandinavian dog had never won that impressive number of titles in so many different countries. Indeed, at the end of its career, Gaston could boast of no less than 120 BoB (Best of Breed) and a good dozen Best (Best of Exhibition, all breeds and special). It also possessed many titles in other disciplines: Tracking Champion "Sweden", disaster and rescue dog, defense dog Class II, certificate from the Swedish Air Force, Class I in obedience, Obedience Champion (Sweden, Denmark and Norway).

   Not only was Gaston came through work and sports fields with flying colors, he also did in the largest European championships. Besides its titles of Nordic Winner, Ch International (F.C.I.), it also won several Best in Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland etc. It has many descendants in several Nordic breeding facilities, which will contribute to continue its line. Let us point out a rather curious phenomenon about Gaston own ascendancy: compared with its rivals, it had no German ancestor in its pedigree. And even less present were the famous Doc, Norris or Hassan, however omnipresent in the best contemporary Rottweilers.

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